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From the desk of Jonathan Davis

Dear Friends, We hope you are managing to overcome the challenges of coronavirus. We trust you are healthy and safe, taking precautions, taking good care of yourselves and your families and are coping with all of the regulations and restrictions. We at IDC Herzliya embrace you at this time and wish you the very best. In Israel, the finest minds are using the best of their resources, resilience, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and Zionist values in order to best protect our country. Among them are members of the IDC Herzliya Faculty, Administration, Students, and alumni. We are proud of them all. This country and our people have faced hard times in the past, and we shall overcome the present hurdles. Please watch below a moving message from our Founder and President,Prof. Uriel Reichman, as well as read below the research and news coming out of IDC and how coronavirus has effected all areas of life. Wishing you all a chag sameach, Jonathan Davis Vice President for External Relations

Head of the Raphael Recanati International School







ACT-IL's recent statistics published on their online newsletter

These days, just like the virus, antisemitic and anti-Israel mutations might prove to be even more sophisticated than usual, and we are here to combat that. ACT-IL have doubled its online presence and engagement, mobilized activists and communities to combat the growing antisemitism and anti-Israel trends, but also to enhance and emphasize the great contributions and progress that Israel offers the world during these hard times.

Acting as the world's biggest pro-Israel crowd-sourcing activism organization, Act-IL has been encouraging people to be active online and has been working tirelessly to detect, react and combat any increases in these trends on social networks, as well as BDS movement events that have now moved online as their offline events could not have taken place on campus. In parallel and with no less passion, Act-IL also keeps on spreading messages of solidarity and peoplehood through its 26,000 activists on all platforms, and showing the world the contributions in innovation and aid that Israel is making.





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